7 Years' Dedication To Artificial Insulin To Soon Harvest The Results

Date:2014-07-02 00:00

The well-grounded HETDA achieves transformation

Hefei Tianmai Biotechnology Development co., ltd. (HTBT) was once described by the media as "a dragon hidden in the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone. For 7 years since its entry in the area, this low-profile company has always been working on insulin using the up-to-date international technology and the EU standards. Its product samples have passed the test of a national testing agency. There are many enterprises like HTBT in the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone They are among the first movers and work in silence for years.

Hefei-produced insulin soon to be launched

Insulin is an important drug for diabetics. At present, the high quality insulin used by domestic diabetics is generally from foreign countries, so the price is relatively high.

The person in charge of HTBT Gao Xiaoming is among the first to introduce foreign recombinant human insulin products to China. In late 1990s, he became the general agent of a foreign insulin company in China. After witnessing the growth of Chinese diabetics and their suffering, Gao decided to produce our own recombinant human insulin products.

In 2007, he founded HTBT like planting a tree in the desert, and has introduced the up-to-date international insulin technology, built production workshops, and trained staff. All the workshops of HTBT have been designed in accordance with the European and American standards. In January 2011, HTBT produced the first batch of genetically-engineered insulin samples and in July 2012, it completed pre-clinical research of 3 products. In November 2013, a large-scale production workshop was built and high-purity insulin crystals were obtained. Currently, HTBT's insulin preparations are about to enter clinical trials, marking that the Hefei-made genetically-engineered recombinant human insulin will soon be launched to the market.

It's reported that China's insulin technology has entered the third generation. Its advantage over the second generation technology is better control of blood glucose levels. HTBT is studying both the second- and third-generation insulin. Once its products are launched, Chinese diabetics can enjoy products manufactured with international advanced technology at a preferential price.

HTBT has always kept a low profile. Accurately described by the media reporter as "hidden dragon", the company has dedicated to research for 7 years and has never received any media interview before. "We are a research-oriented enterprise and need to focus on what we do." the related responsible person of HTBT told the reporter.

In this April, the Anhui Provincial Academician Workstation of HTBT was officially inaugurated. The workstation has introduced Liu Changxiao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Liu has been engaged in pharmacokinetics research for 40 years, and is one of the pioneers and leaders of China's pharmacokinetics discipline. The establishment of the workstation will accelerate HTBT's R&D of new drugs by taking the academic and technological advantages of China's only national key laboratory of pharmacokinetics.

HTBT's determination is evidenced by its introduction of foreign advanced technology, recruitment of domestic top talent, and development of its own technical team.

A number of projects have broken the monopoly of foreign countries.

The Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone has always stuck to its principles and goals on the path to transformation and upgrading by resolutely rejecting enterprises that didn't meet the requirements. Its strategy has finally paid off.

In addition to HTBT, the area has attracted a lot of leading projects to lead industry development, and a number of its projects have broken international monopoly. For example, the Suzhou Dongsheng Functional Membrane Project signed this year has not only broken the price monopoly of imported equipment in the domestic market, but has exported products to Japan, South Korea, Mexico and Italy, etc.

The intensive signing of important projects and the transformation from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing" have been the biggest highlights of the transformation and development of the area. This year, Suzhou Honghan Automation Company that specializes in intelligent equipment manufacturing also settled down in the area and invested in Hefei Lianxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. This project will produce all kinds of robots and automation products to be widely used in factories and innovate the ways of production.

To have a good grounding has always been the style of the area. On December 27, 2012, Linpo (Hefei) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was put into operation in Hefei and in only 8 months, its output value exceeded 10 billion yuan. The company sped up again in 2014 and its output value exceeded 10 billion yuan in the first 4 months. In this June, the Hefei Export Processing Zone, just established a year ago, was ranked the 13th place among the 53 export processing zones across the country by the China Free Trade Zone & Export Processing Zone Association.

These projects at the forefront of the market share the same temperament as the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone. A growing number of large enterprises are eyeing this dependable land.

On June 28, the establishment of Chinese Railway Materials Industry Group Co., Ltd. in the area was announced. This is the first professional group company of China railway materials company limited after the recent establishment of Huadong Group.

To build a high-tech base by Nanyan Lake

A developed "brain" is the source of motivation and development. The Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone is adept at the transformation from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing". The report of the 18th national congress of the communist party of China clearly put forward that at the core of the economic system reform is to "properly handle the relationship between the government and the market". On the path to transformation, the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zonehas focused on the whole picture, endure the loneliness  and spared no efforts to encourage the technical development of enterprises.

In 2013, the area introduced the "nine-point policy" to encourage the development of enterprises, including the "special fund for science and technology innovation" that gives a one-time reward of 100,000 yuan to a newly-recognized national high-tech enterprise. Meanwhile, newly-recognized engineering technology research centers, enterprise technology center and the top three enterprises that preside over the drafting of international, national and industry standards can also win the award. This fund also finances the acquisition of intellectual property rights and the application of invention patents of enterprises.

On May 9, Hefei institute for public safety research, Tsinghua University was officially inaugurated and held the first meeting of the management committee of the institute. The project, located beside the Nanyan Lake, consists of an emergency platform center, an experimental center, a technology R&D center, an inspection and testing center and an incubation platform. Yuan Hongyong, Vice President of The Institute for Public Safety Research, Tsinghua University said that they would build a virtual urban system in Hefei for research of urban flood disasters and food safety, etc. to prevent derivative disasters that all kinds of emergencies bring to the cities.

This project has signed with the Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone for its "intelligent manufacturing" and will be completed and put into use by the end of 2015. After that, Tsinghua University may upgrade it to establish the Hefei Institute of Tsinghua University.

The Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone will take this opportunity to build a high-tech base by the Nanyan Lake by promoting technical services, knowledge, business services, ecological and environmental industries with public safety, internet of things, and cloud computing as core industries, and introducing all kinds of leading enterprises, headquarters enterprises and R&D enterprises and develop it to be the "Anhui Silicon Valley".

(Wang Rigui, Gao Zheng, the Life Science Technology Park,  R&D Center)